Lemonade Stand

Lemonade Stand


The Lemonade Stand theme is an ideal camp experience and a great way to teach your kids valuable academic skills through applications in daily life context. And the best part is that your kids can start a business right away, learning essential math class while having fun!

To make the best lemonade in town, they will get to learn the science about matters, how solutions work, and species of lemons.

To promote their business, they will exercise their artistic talent to design the most attractive lemonade stand.  Creating an electric circuit with a lemon to add more fun for their young customers, they will give an ultimate push to reach the highest sales.


  • Get familiarized with the monetary system and number operations.
  • Acquire scientific knowledge related to properties of matters, solutions, simple circuit, and sensory organs.
  • Learn design concepts and exercise artistic talents through designing the lemonade stand.
  • Practice team work and become a contributing team player.


Learning​ academic skills becomes a lot more interesting (and less intimidating) when it is put into contexts that children find it easy to relate. This relevancy factor motivates students, stimulate intellectual curiosity, and helps build connections across different areas of learning. Most importantly it enhances retention of learned information and thus increases effectiveness of learning. Are you ready to give it a try?