Creators’ Fair


In this new paradigm, we must educate our children to become passionate change makers, able to collaborate and create in an ambiguous and changing environment. This full day camp is themed around inspiring students to explore science and technology with robotics and other innovative programs provided. Your child will be very busy coding robotic parts and device features, such as a voice activated Robo-arm, Night navigator and Garbage eating robot, to name a few.

Through these exciting projects, your child will learn the basic principles of circuit connections for controlling sensors, lights, and sound. To push his/her intellectual limits, he/she will be presented with new world environmental challenges and asked to exercise creativity to invent different robotic features. Whether your child is already a passionate fan, a budding builder, or even a hesitant explorer, you’re in the right place.


  • Acquire knowledge in principles of circuit design and connections components, such as resistors, inductors, capacitors schematics diagrams, transfer of power
  • Apply science theories to build electronic circuits and projects
  • Get familiarized with Blocky, the block-based coding language, via robotics projects
  • Practice to apply learned theories and concepts to create meaningful innovation for real life challenges


Learning robotics has so many overarching benefits that each child should have some participation of it to avoid losing out in enjoying a well-rounded learning experience. A successful project requires more than technical skills. It takes a team of participants, people who are naturally code savvy, as well as those who conceptualize, improvise, and problem-solve to work. Finally, it takes people skills to thrive. Do you see your child playing one of the roles in the robotics team?