Adventures in Fan Fiction

There are always some special characters your child would favor when he/she reads a story. Those are the ones he/she could relate and may even want to create a continuous journey for them!

This summer camp introduces your kids to writing fanfiction. Fan fiction is a fiction written by a reader (fan) who, after reading the original story, writes a new story related to one or more of the characters. It gets them writing and stretching their imagination. Students could write a fanfiction element as they read, or after the reading to demonstrate their understanding of the original text, its voice, and its character development. This adventure will be a great avenue for your kids to find their own voice in writing and building confidence. Oh, and did we mention it’s tons of fun? Yes, it’s going to be fun for your kids especially when they write with their friends.


  • Understand different story elements of a literary work: plot, setting, character development, tone, and dialogue
  • Acquire skills to write an interesting story, such as creating conflicts, suspension, and resolutions in the plot to engage the readers
  • Get familiarized with a children book publishing platform and publish their literary work online
  • Become confident and interested in experimenting different types of writing
  • Find joy in being creative and enjoy the humor with friends

THE BIG PICTURE Enjoyment is the greatest incentive for a budding writer to continue his/her journey. And telling a story of a favorite character in the way of how a child wants to hear offers exactly that! And writing fan faction offers that freedom of imagination and creativity!